Calling E-Com Brand Owners
Want to learn how you can use effective Facebook Ads to generate reliable revenue for your eCom brand?Stop putting off a Facebook Ads strategy that could be generating you additional $$$’s in revenue right now.
Creating ads that convert should not feel like an impossible task…
Maybe you've dabbled in Facebook Ads yourself and they didn't work out quite how you expected 😖

And you've been left confused, wondering how the heck are you actually supposed to get results? 🤷

You know there's a level of strategy that leads to the "holy cr*p, how did they do it?!" kinda return on investment you see your competitors produce.

You've realised it's not as simple as creating a quick ad. And we tooootally get it!

There is a high level of skill & understanding that go into creating ads that actually convert...And you guessed it, we're here to share it ALLLL with you! 😍
It’s not feasible to rely only on organic sales for your brand in 2023
Times have changed, competition has increased and customers have become more savvy.

Relying on organic sales only is not reliable, consistent or scalableIf your Instagram page went down tomorrow… would your brand suffer? If the answer is yes, you have to diversify your channels of sales!

Learn exactly how to take your ecommerce business to the next level and generate consistent, reliable sales revenue $$$ using paid ads
  • It’s time to stop relying on organic sales
  • Stop using only one sales channel
  • Don’t stay stuck with the same revenue
The Facebook Ads course for ecommerce brands who are ready to learn EXACTLY how to run ads effectively for their business and sustainably grow their revenue & sales, even after iOS14!! (If you don't know what iOS14 is - you kinda need this!)

What’s inside…
Module 1
Ready? Let's Get Started!
✅ What are ads used for and the exact checklist of everything you need set-up to prepare yourself for success with ads
Module 2
Set Your Account Up For Success + Intro to iOS14!
✅  Never guess if you have everything set up inside Business Manager with a complete tutorial on the platform.

✅ Everything you need set up including how to master your Facebook Pixel.

✅ Complete breakdown of iOS14 tracking changes, delayed attribution and how to proof your account
Module 3
Laser Target Your Customers
✅ Leverage your warmed up audiences by mastering effective custom audiences.

✅ Find your ideal customers on Facebook with high quality interest based and lookalike audiences.

✅ How to target broad audiences with new audience testing strategy.
Module 4
Building Blocks of a Campaign
✅  Understand the correct campaign objectives for maximal conversions.

✅ Never waste money on the wrong campaign objective again!

✅ Know exactly how to create your first or next ad with confidence.
Module 5
Creatives For Conversions
✅ Communicate your offer effectively to your ideal audience with high-converting ad copy.

✅ The key to scroll-stopping ad creatives and how to make them yourself!

✅ The BEST types of creatives for ecommerce brands.
Module 6
Crafting Your Bespoke Strategy
✅  The difficult part of creating the right strategy personalised to you: COVERED!.

✅ Target customer drop-offs effectively whilst filling your funnel with new potential customers.

✅ How many ads you should create and how to structure them depending on your budget.

✅ The secret to effectively testing to find out what works for YOU!
Module 7
Ok My Ads Are On... What Now?!
✅ Learn the metrics you actually need to pay attention, and what they mean for your ads.

✅ How to manage & analyse ads so you never waste money on underperforming campaigns.

✅ How to know if your ads are actually profitable.
Module 8
Mastering iOS14 Changes
✅ The best part... get ahead of your competitors with our secret iOS14 tracking softwares.

✅ Never feel confused about how to handle iOS14 with up to date solutions.

✅ How to effectively measure & report performance.
Plus bonus lessons on email marketing and optimising your Shopify Store! 🎉
Meet Charlotte & Caitlin - The co-founders of Develop Digital.
After years of experience in Fashion & Marketing roles, Charlotte & Caitlin came together to form a data driven ecommerce agency focused on results.

Our mission is clear - to provide e-commerce brands the high-quality omnichannel solution they have been looking for.
Don’t just take our word for it...
Charlotte and her team are amazing! I went from knowing nothing about Facebook ads to knowing a lot more thanks to them.

They helped me tremendously in finding my target audience and getting my brand more out there!
It feels even better to know how much I learned about Ads Manager and how to properly set up ads for the future. I feel a lot less intimidated by all of it now!

Having the support from an expert team is unparalleled. I'm super glad that I invested in working with Develop Digital because I now feel so empowered to run ads!
Get Access to all this for JUST £797
Ready? Let's Get Started! (Value £97)
Set Your Account Up For Success + Intro to iOS14! (Value £197)
Laser Target Your Customers Step-By-Step Videos (Value £197)
Custom Audience Checklist + Audience Builder (Value £97)
Building Blocks of a Campaign (Value £97)
Creatives For Conversions (Value £197)
Crafting Your Bespoke Strategy (Value £297)
Ok My Ads Are On... What Now?! (Value £497)
Mastering iOS14 Changes + Our Exclusive 3rd Party Tracking Software (Value £1997)
Bi-Weekly Live Grouping Calls With Charlotte & Caitlin (Value £2997)
PLUS BONUS Email Marketing, Shopify Optimisation and Outsourcing Lessons (Bonus Value £591, INCLUDED)
Total value £7,291
Easy payment of:


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Easy payments of:


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100% Risk Free
14 Day Guarantee
We are so confident in the value and energy we've channeled into this program, but we want you to feel confident and happy with enrolling.

So, if you join, watch all the lessons and put your ad campaign live and still aren't happy with the program, you can request a refund within 14 days of purchase.
I'm not very tech savvy. I'm worried I won't be able to run ads myself?
Can't I just Google this stuff for free
How long will the course take me to complete?